Collection: Garlic products in a jar

On this page we have pestos, spreads, mustards, pickles, paste and salt. Of course everything is made in organic quality and carefully, lovingly and passionately handcrafted. All recipes are developed by ourselves. Our four children always decide at the end about the taste, color and intensity of the products. They are very good, honest critics....

The many positive feedback from our customers motivates us a lot! Thank you very much for that! Without you we would never have gotten this far!

Unsere Knoblauchsaison ist vorbei. Wir ernten wieder den frischen, grünen Knoblauch ab Mitte Juni und den Lagerknoblauch ab Anfang Juli. Je nach Sorte ist unser Knoblauch dann spätestens Ende August vollständig getrocknet.

Elefantenknoblauch-Stängel sind ca. ab den 10. Juni wieder lieferbar.