Dip & Salat Öl
Dip & Salat Öl
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Besonders zum Verfeinern von Salaten geeignet. Mit Rapsöl von Lisa und Armin Bauschatz, Leinsamenöl von Sonja und Thomas Weibler und Knoblauch von uns von der Schwäbischen Alb, Kräuter aus dem Allgäu und Olivenöl aus Griechenland. Alles in hervorragenden Bioland- oder Demeter Qualität.
Ungeöffnet bei Raumtemperatur gelagert min. 12 Monate haltbar. Nach dem Öffnen bitte innerhalb 3 Monaten verbrauchen. Damit die hohe Qualität vom Salatöl maximal erhalten bleibt, wird eine dunkle und kühle Lagerung empfohlen, am besten im Kühlschrank. Vor Gebrauch bitte gut schütteln!
250 ml
Zutaten: Rapsöl*, Olivenöl* und Leinsamenöl* kaltgepresst, Alb-Knoblauch*, Petersilie*, Zitronenmelisse*, Estragon*, Zitronenthymian*, Salbei*, Basilikum*, Dill*, Bärlauch*, Schabzigerklee*, Dost* (*aus ökol. Anbau)
Nährwerte: 100 g enthalten durchschnittlich:
Energie in KJ | 3599 kJ |
Energie in kcal | 875 kcal |
Fett | 96,1g |
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren | 8,6g |
davon einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren | 63,6g |
davon mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren | 23,8g |
Kohlenhydrate | 2,4g |
davon Zucker | 0g |
Eiweiß | 0,17g |
Salz | 0g |
„Bioland“ und das Bioland-Logo sind eingetragene Marken des Bioland e.V., Mainz
Hergestellt von: Biolandhof Mammel GbR, Am Hochberg 27, 89584 Lauterach
EU Bio-Logo, Kontrollstelle: DE-ÖKO-006
Deutsche Landwirtschaft

Which type of garlic should I order?
- milder: Bella Italia , Arno
- medium hot: Sabagold , Garcua , Garpek , Messidor , Polish Softneck
- spicy: Ljubascha , Oma Hildrun, Russia Red , Makói , Germidour
The spiciness changes during storage!
- white-shelled: Garcua , Sabagold , Messidor , Arno
- purple: Bella Italia , Russia Red
- striped/spotted: Germidour , Polish Softneck , Garpek , Makói
- brown-purple: Grandma Hildrun, Ljubascha
- Hardneck/stem-forming: Ljubascha , Garpek , Oma Hildrun, Bella Italia , Russia Red
- Softneck/does not form flower stalks: Garcua , Sabagold , Messidor , Germidour , Polish Softneck , Makói , Arno
Robust varieties, easy to grow
- we recommend the varieties:
- Lyubasha (hardneck)
- Garcua (softneck)
- Messidor (soft neck)
- Russia Red (hardneck)
Which garlic products in a jar do you recommend?
Made from regional ingredients
- Mustard and paste have a shelf life of 2 years from the date of bottling
- Spreads 1 year
- Pickled 2 years
- Pestos have a best before date of 1 year
- Garlic salt 4 years
Please store in a cool place (after opening in the refrigerator) and protected from light!
What is important to us:
Garlic variety
We were amazed to discover how many different types of garlic have emerged around the world. We would also like to grow a small selection here on the Hochberg. That's why we test new, interesting varieties every year.
Biological Diversity available in our garlic field. We do not use weed killers, insecticides or artificial fertilizers. We regulate the weeds mechanically...and that's actually hard work. Especially if you have to weed by hand. But as a reward for this we have a wonderful diversity of species!
Ingredients and quality
We only use organic ingredients, wherever possible from the region. We are also growers of Alb lentils ourselves. We get first-class cleaned lentils from the house next door as an ingredient for our lentil spreads. We purchase rapeseed oil from the Bauschatz organic farm nearby. Most of our products bear the Bioland logo and are strictly inspected annually by ABCert. Hygiene and quality assurance is carried out by the BAV INSTITUT. We are also a member of Slow Food Germany.
packaging and shipping
We work with an environmental printing company. The labels and leaflets are printed in an environmentally friendly way. The use of organic printing inks and organic varnishes based on renewable raw materials as well as suitable adhesives and additives also contribute to the conservation of resources. When shipping, we take great care to ensure that there is no waste, everything is made of paper.